Author Archives: jonafras

Trurian word of the day: tuteon

tuteon (imperfective verb): to breed (among non-milk-giving animals); to have sex, to engage in intercourse. “the horses have bred well this spring” When not used in its specific technical sense of animal breeding (e.g. when referring to human sexual intercourse), usage … Continue reading

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Trurian word of the day: ureth

ureth (noun): knife; curved dagger. “But yesterday I was able to use the knife just fine [for this]!”

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Trurian word of the day: nylono

nylono (perfective verb): to cross, cross over; to pass, pass through. “we passed [through] the village early in the morning” The object of the verb nylono – namely, the place or entity being crossed or passed – is always in the … Continue reading

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Trurian word of the day: ul

ul (noun): lake. “the queen intends to have a swim in the lake” The noun ul refers specifically to lakes of a wider or circular shape, as opposed to nin, which is used for larger, but especially more elongated lakes. Another … Continue reading

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Trurian word of the day: medheon

medheon (imperfective verb): to run wild, cause wreckage; to wreck, destroy (something). “the army passed through the village, and destroyed it completely”

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Trurian word of the day: siath

siath (noun): calf, young cow. “they slaughter a calf at the end of each month”

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Trurian word of the day: won

won (noun): man; human being. “there are the bodies of seven men in the house”

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Trurian word of the day: lowreon

lowreon (imperfective verb): to discuss, talk, chat about. “we will discuss the wages tomorrow”

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Trurian word of the day: raysa

raysa (noun): war captive, hostage. “we left the captives at the entrance to the fort”

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Trurian word of the day: gardeon

gardeon (imperfective verb): to bake. “I will bake bread in the evening”

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