Tag Archives: grammar

Spatial and motion cases in High Eolic

I’ve decided to provide a short summary of the forms and functions of the seven spatial and motion cases in High Eolic. Most of what follows is taken from my High Eolic Grammar (available as a PDF here), but in … Continue reading

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Valence in Classical Trevecian – part 3/3

(Access the previous parts here: Part 1 and Part 2.) Part 3: Ideologies of Noun Class and Valence When considering actual usage of valence particles in Classical Trevecian, patterns that depart from the grammatical rules described above are often encountered. … Continue reading

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Valence in Classical Trevecian – part 2/3

(Part 1 can be accessed here.) Part 2: Valence Adjusting Operations Valence adjusting operations in Classical Trevecian are handled through different configurations of valence particles, as well as other syntactic mechanisms such as serial verb constructions or pronoun reduplication. 2.1 … Continue reading

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Valence in Classical Trevecian – part 1/3

Part 1: Basic Valence Particles 1.1 Introduction Classical Trevecian is the language of the TarÅ¡emâ, the Holy Book of Olerism, a monotheist religion spread through large areas of the continent of Burnath. It was spoken in the lands of the … Continue reading

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‘Passive’ clauses in Trurian

Trurian does not have any conventional ‘passive’ construction. Instead, decreasing verb valence by demoting the agent of an action to an oblique role is handled through either of two mechanisms: 1) introduction of the promoted patient in a verbless relative … Continue reading

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Internally headed relative clauses in Trurian

I have recently relaunched Trurian, my first conlang (the first sketch dates to around 10 years ago). It’s a really pleasant feeling to be working on something fresh, and it’s also somewhat easier than my High Eolic work – both … Continue reading

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Updated version of High Eolic grammar now online!

This post announces the first major update to the grammar of my (currently) principal conlang, High Eolic (PDF of grammar available here). This includes various minor updates, which are mostly refinements rather than changes, such as: 1) the possibility of … Continue reading

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