Tag Archives: announcements

Resources page

Just a quick update: I’ve added a new resources page, which will be a master listing of all the resources related to my conlanging and conworlding currently available online (in a PDF, picture, or other format) – mostly stuff in … Continue reading

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Happy 2012 & switch to Trurian ‘Words of the Day’!

First a happy new year to anyone who might be (at least occasionally) tracking this blog – the recent silence on my part was mostly due to the holiday season, but also because I’ve grown slightly bored with High Eolic … Continue reading

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Updated version of High Eolic grammar now online!

This post announces the first major update to the grammar of my (currently) principal conlang, High Eolic (PDF of grammar available here). This includes various minor updates, which are mostly refinements rather than changes, such as: 1) the possibility of … Continue reading

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The beginning

This blog is intended to present and deal with my conlanging projects. At the moment, not much is up here, but that should change in the near future. In the meantime, you’re welcome to look at the grammar of my … Continue reading

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