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Tag Archives: 2011
High Eolic word of the day: hangún
hangún (noun): bird; flock of birds. vicúsassut yuttásam hangúnd-ecá sallándevisut priest.DEF hate.IMPERF.NON1.TRANS bird.BEN.PL temple.SUBL.DEF “the priest hates the birds [gathering] on the temple [roof]” Listen to the example sentence here: W_HE_145_hanguun_example
High Eolic word of the day: cilingaram
ciling- (transitive verb), imperfective cilingaram: to visit, travel to, travel around. len ciling-ucám nan-arangalá ambassemecut we visit-POT.1.TRANS all-village.ACC.PL valley.INESS.DEF “we [plan to] visit all the villages in [this] valley”
High Eolic word of the day: nárc
nárc (noun): strict, terrible. ca-ngillándut ngúya cer-nárc-es cÃndurá my-paternal.uncle.DEF be.IMPERF very-strict-ESS servant.GEN.PL “my paternal uncle is very strict to [his] servants” Listen to the example sentence here: W_HE_143_naarc_example
High Eolic word of the day: lurcan
lurcan (noun): lazy. már sittÃndupam na-cÃnda-lurcand-alá he cast.away.PERF.TRANS all-servant-lazy-ACC.PL “he dismissed all the lazy servants” Listen to the example sentence here: W_HE_142_lurcan_example
High Eolic word of the day: mahamárte
maham- (ditransitive verb), imperfective mahamárte: to fit, be suitable (for). sána yettár máru ta maham-asárte cal calendec REL arrange.MID it.GEN NEG fit-IMPERF.NON1.DITRANS I.ACC money.BEN “this arrangement is not suitable for me [on account of] money” With the verb mahamárte, the … Continue reading
High Eolic word of the day: núna
núna (noun): success, victory, good fortune; luck, coincidence. ta núna-r ratti ullÃnengá NEG chance-SOC you.PL meet.PERF.RECIP “you have not met by chance” As in the example above, the noun núna often appears in the form núnar (sociative or genitive), with … Continue reading
Valence in Classical Trevecian – part 2/3
(Part 1 can be accessed here.) Part 2: Valence Adjusting Operations Valence adjusting operations in Classical Trevecian are handled through different configurations of valence particles, as well as other syntactic mechanisms such as serial verb constructions or pronoun reduplication. 2.1 … Continue reading
High Eolic word of the day: carcám
carcám (noun): twin, twins. ma-rupercánder ringut nundársám carcámb-al his-not.wish.SOC wife.DEF bear.POT.NON1.TRANS twins-ACC “he did not want his [wife] to give birth to twins”
High Eolic word of the day: mámbacam
mámba- (transitive verb), imperfective mámbacam: to step on, step over, push down. ras mámb-upam ca-lártevisut MIR step.on-PERF.TRANS my-leg.SUBL.DEF “you [just] stepped on my foot!”
High Eolic word of the day: lurcan
tercen (noun): juice, pulp; sweet, sweetened. len lungam tercend-er-súrtal lungatemecut we drink.PERF.TRANS juice-SOC-water.ACC wedding.INESS.DEF “we drank watered-down juice at the wedding” Listen to the example sentence here: W_HE_137_tercen_example