High Eolic word of the day: vendátam

vendá- (transitive verb), imperfective vendátam: to arrange, come to an agreement, make a deal (with someone); to join (someone), to join (someone) in leaving.

ca vendá-m pandulut párundacirut
I arrange.with.PERF-TRANS brother.ACC.DEF house.DEL.DEF
“I came to an agreement with my brother with regard to the house”

The verb vendátam has a somewhat interesting form of alignment whereby the person with whom the deal or arrangement is made (or the person one joins) acts as the direct object of the verb, while the object of the arrangement (or the place left) can only be expressed as an oblique in the delative. The initial meaning was the one of joining someone in leaving a place, or persuading someone to leave or abandon something.

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