ngerul- (intransitive verb), imperfective ngerulav: to cry, weep.
ringá ngerul hullangang
woman.PL cry.PERF dead.EL
“the women wept because of the dead”
ngerul- (intransitive verb), imperfective ngerulav: to cry, weep.
ringá ngerul hullangang
woman.PL cry.PERF dead.EL
“the women wept because of the dead”
mittám: tongue; taste.
len náram mittámba-callangal yácindacarnútur
we eat.PERF.TRANS tongue-cow.ACC dinner.GEN
“we have eaten cow’s tongues for dinner”
mittám is also used idiomatically with a possessive prefix and the sociative suffix -er in order to convey the meaning “to X’s taste”, “to X [it] tastes [like]…”.
cissá- (transitive verb), imperfective cissácam: to take; to eat (esp. formally), have a meal.
máca cissá-pam túpalut carlavangut
they take-PERF.TRANS child.ACC.DEF mother.EL.DEF
“they took the child away from [its] mother”
Along with its normal meaning “to take”, cissácam is also used to denote eating of meals (e.g. ca cissápam yácindacarnútal, literally “I took dinner”).
ecám: white, snow-white (in color); painted white.
ngúyendut nartáyisam nivand-ecámb-alut
grain.DEF building-white-ACC.DEF
“the grain is in the white building”
himánd- (transitive verb), imperfective himándaram: to say again, repeat; to order, instruct; to translate; to mediate.
ca himánd-am panduttárut nget minarsám mbuttácalá
I instruct.PERF-TRANS brother.ILL.DEF that sell.POT.NON1.TRANS sheep.ACC.PL
“I instructed my brother to sell the sheep”
Along with its more “basic” meanings of repeating something said or instructing something to be done, himándaram has also come to mean “to translate” (from one language to another) or “to mediate” (between two parties, e.g. in a conflict).
macan (noun): fire, flame; torch, light.
ca-percánder cramára civa macand-es cá-caramándemecut
my-wish.SOC at.night become.COMPL torch-ESS this-room.INESS.DEF
“I wish [that there] are torches in this room throughout the night”
urman- (transitive verb), imperfective urmanaram: to sneer, despise, laugh at.
len urman-aram racát-úndel
we despise-IMPERF.1.TRANS foreigner-south.ACC
“we despise the barbarians of the South”
timan (noun): empty, hollow; hollow, cave, cavern.
civa sirmes timand-emec cártevisut
become.COMPL snake.ESS cave-INESS mountains.SUBL.DEF
“there are snakes in caves in the mountains”
yurind- (transitive verb), imperfective yurindaram: to extend, spread out; to raise (one’s arms).
már yurind-am assembalá yusúnin
he spread.out.PERF-TRANS paper.ACC.PL floor.SUPERESS
“he spread out [his] papers [around himself] on the floor”
Use of the verb yurindaram often implies movement or distribution away from the agent as a fixed point (from which an object or substance is ‘extended’), even if this is not otherwise marked in the sentence.
crás (noun): fat; fatty; lard, fat.
amaracúmarangut ngúya crás-era-lurcandes
people.valley.EL.DEF COP.IMPERF fat-SOC-lazy.ESS
“the people of [this] valley are fat and lazy”