nerú (noun): mare.
ca-varándut tendápam nerú-macúmbal
my-father.DEF buy.PERF.TRANS mare-lame.ACC
“my father bought a lame mare”
nerú is one of the few nouns in High Eolic borrowed from Vitrian, from ñorói ‘mare’. Interestingly, the ultimate source of the word is the language of the Hadrian nomads of Agelia (from Hadrian año ro ‘mare’). There are several other words in High Eolic that can be traced to Hadrian through Vitrian, mostly (but not exclusively) words referring to horse-related concepts or objects (e.g. tussá ‘mottled/dappled’ (esp. of animals), atti ‘chair, seat’ from Vitrian éiti ‘saddle’ etc.)